Nonprofit corporation

A Nonprofit Organization’s Board’s Rights, Duties, Responsibilities, and Liabilities

Board governance of nonprofit organizations has increasingly become more akin to board governance of for-profit corporations after Enron’s debacle produced the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX). While no federal nonprofit laws similar to SOX have been passed, the IRS forms and instructions for the non-profit Forms 1023 and 990 are playing a major role in […]

A Nonprofit Organization’s Board’s Rights, Duties, Responsibilities, and Liabilities Read More »

I’m Now a Board Member of a Nonprofit Corporation. What’s My Duty and Liability?

Nonprofits are a LifeCycle Trifecta! Remember that Chance card in Monopoly that reads, “Congratulations! You’ve been appointed to the Board of Directors. Please, pay $500”? How about the saying, “No good deed goes unpunished”? Or the favorite doctor’s soothing saying, “Relax, this won’t hurt a bit.” Well, speaking from a lot of education, training, and

I’m Now a Board Member of a Nonprofit Corporation. What’s My Duty and Liability? Read More »