Learn More About How To Optimize Your Life, Your Death, and Whatever You Want To Happen After That!

Hi! My name is Ken Besser and I am a LifeCycle Lawyer.

As a LifeCycle Lawyer, I work to optimize peoples’ lives  (both their personal and their business lives); manage their disabilities, diseases, and deaths; and then handle whatever else comes next. Let me explain.

My goal is to help people do these three things:

  • Live better longer,
  • Die better later (including planning their personal care and healthcare needs and funerals), and
  • Maintain control from beyond their graves of whatever they leave behind.

Why? Because all people (regardless of their age, assets, disability, disease, or diversity) should get to live as successfully, as independently, and as well as they can, given their circumstances, and they should be maximally empowered to participate as fully as they can in their lifecycle decisions including not only their living, and working, but also their managing their health, their dying, their burial, and the management and distribution of whatever assets they may leave behind.

My goal is to help people take that which is merely possible and work  to improve it and  make it become not only practicable, but also feasible to achieve whatever their goals are, concerning not only their personal and business lives, but also their deaths, and then whatever they want to come after that.

How Do I Practice LifeCycleLaw So Well?

I Use Decades of Healthcare and Legal Knowledge and Experience To Help People Live Better Longer, Die Better Later, and Control Their Assets From Beyond Their Graves

I married a family physician named Susan in 1979 and started to follow her in that career as a medical student from 1981 through 1983. Then, noticing that all our married-medical-school-coupled friends were getting divorced, we talked to a marital counselor who convinced us it would be better to stay married to my wife the doctor instead of becoming one myself and ending up divorced, because dual-physician families are difficult to maintain. After Susan finished her residency in family medicine, we took a few years of sabbatical to have the first two of our eventually six children.

In ’86, Susan joined a large group medical practice and I went to law school. After holding down two law review editorships and graduating law school cum laude in 1990, I worked as an attorney in one large and a few small law firms and corporations and also as a solo practitioner.

From 1996 to 2004, I was deeply involved in Susan’s solo family medicine practice. In addition to being her practice administrator, I also stepped in where needed as a medical assistant, lab tech, and x-ray tech. The access to over a thousand new patients each year allowed me to build a thriving personal, business, and estate planning practice serving her patients as my clients. This diversity of employment has given me a broad and deep understanding of both personal, family, business, and healthcare law and operations.

Now, I am a one-man law firm working from a home office, and, being in my sixties right now, I have a developed unique perspective that compels me to focus on helping people near and beyond my age manage their personal, family, business, and healthcare issues better in order to focus their power on controlling their own lives and deaths, and then maintaining control of their assets from beyond their graves.

And I do it pretty economically efficiently, as well.

Ken Besser

How My LifeCycle Law System Works

It’s simple – we use what you have to get what you want. In a bit more detail, we use whatever of your life’s precious resources that you have strategically to get you as much as is feasible of what you want have and do going forward, given your present facts and circumstances.

My LifeCycle Law System is based on the basic business practice of continuous quality improvement – the “Plan, Do, Check, Act” method of running any enterprise, including the enterprise of your own personal lifecycle.  

First, We Plan

You call me.
I meet you for an initial consultation.
We discuss your life's precious resources.
We also discuss your wants, needs, and desires for managing and using those resources from now until you cycle from this life in this world to your next life in the next one and then beyond.
We strategize how to use what you have to get what you want.

Next, We Do

Next, I will draft whatever documents you need in order to execute your plan, get those plans signed by you and whoever else needs to be involved, and help you contact whoever else needs to be contacted and do whatever else needs to be done in order to use what you have to get what you want.

Later, We Check

After we do whatever it takes to put your plan into action, we will monitor in as much detail as is needed how you life is progressing and whether you are getting out of your life what you are putting into it.

If Needed, We Act

And, if we need to change something, we will plan and do whatever else needs to be planned and done in order to optimize your life.