LifeCycle Issues

My Mom or Dad Just Died! How Can I Find Out What Assets He or She Had?

Two of the most certain things to happen in life are the deaths of one’s parents. Soon after this catastrophe occurs, if you have not done an appropriate amount of LifeCycle planning, you’re going to start wondering, “What did mom [or dad] leave us?” Here are some first places to look to try to find

My Mom or Dad Just Died! How Can I Find Out What Assets He or She Had? Read More »

Do You Wonder If Your Dead Relative Left an Unknown Insurance Policy?

There is a way to find out if your relative left an unknown insurance policy. A lot of our LifeCycle clients have spouses, parents and other relatives who die without doing appropriate lifecycle planning. Sometimes, spouses, grandkids, kids, nieces, nephews, and such get estranged from their grandparents, parents, aunts, and uncles. And then, some older

Do You Wonder If Your Dead Relative Left an Unknown Insurance Policy? Read More »

Almost Any Roommate Can Quit a Subsequent Month-To-Month Lease With Reasonable Notice

Apartment roommates often disagree and sometimes they disagree so much that one of them wants to get out of their lease. Here’s how to do that the right way. Most co-tenants almost never sign any written agreement spelling out their obligations to each other as co-tenants. They almost always do, however, sign a legally-binding, written

Almost Any Roommate Can Quit a Subsequent Month-To-Month Lease With Reasonable Notice Read More »

Images Of Your Sexlife Are Just Plain Stupid, Sharing Them Is Even More So

People’s lifecycles often include children being stupid. Here is one story contained in the recent Maryland Court of Special Appeals opinion in the case of In Re: S.K. that should give anyone pause, both parents and teenaged children alike. S.K., a 16-year-old girl sent two friends a one-minute digital video file of herself giving a

Images Of Your Sexlife Are Just Plain Stupid, Sharing Them Is Even More So Read More »

People Can Save Big Using Specialized Disability Trustees and Pooled Disability Trusts

What are Disability Trustees and Trusts? Some people for whom we do LifeCycle Planning, for a variety of reasons, cannot or should not be left in control of their own money. Sometimes, some people are just irresponsible spendthrifts or have other bad habits or addictions. Other times, people suffer from a disability that prevents them

People Can Save Big Using Specialized Disability Trustees and Pooled Disability Trusts Read More »

A Nonprofit Organization’s Board’s Rights, Duties, Responsibilities, and Liabilities

Board governance of nonprofit organizations has increasingly become more akin to board governance of for-profit corporations after Enron’s debacle produced the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX). While no federal nonprofit laws similar to SOX have been passed, the IRS forms and instructions for the non-profit Forms 1023 and 990 are playing a major role in

A Nonprofit Organization’s Board’s Rights, Duties, Responsibilities, and Liabilities Read More »

I’m Now a Board Member of a Nonprofit Corporation. What’s My Duty and Liability?

Nonprofits are a LifeCycle Trifecta! Remember that Chance card in Monopoly that reads, “Congratulations! You’ve been appointed to the Board of Directors. Please, pay $500”? How about the saying, “No good deed goes unpunished”? Or the favorite doctor’s soothing saying, “Relax, this won’t hurt a bit.” Well, speaking from a lot of education, training, and

I’m Now a Board Member of a Nonprofit Corporation. What’s My Duty and Liability? Read More »