A very wise man once said, “More important than discovering who does what where and when is proactively learning why they do it.” So, before we go too far beginning with the end of disaster contingency planning in mind, let us seek to understand why we should even worry about disaster contingency planning in the first place.
Many people believe disaster and disease will pass over them and they will never suffer disability nor death. Nonetheless, as optimistic as this rose-colored view may be, and while much less certain than taxes or death, no one anywhere can completely avoid the remote possibility of violence, accidental fires or arson, broken water pipes, clogged drains, severely adverse weather, earthquakes, and other emergencies in life.
With most disasters coming without warning, almost all wise people and organizational leaders are developing and continually improving their contingency policies, processes, procedures, and work instructions, which are generally referred to in the trade as EmergencyOperations Plans (EOPs). Why? Because proaction, perception, planning, preparation, practice, and persistence promote practically perfect performance.
And that, my friends, is the reason why we focus on disaster contingency planning as part of our LifeCyclePlanning – to work proactively and anticipate and prevent disasters from becoming so big that they need an emergency operations plan to handle them reactively.With so many incidents occurring with so little or even no warning, we must work with others and do disaster contingency planning to ensure the success, safety, and security of ourselves and everyone else around us.
In collaboration with as many others as possible, we and they can develop a LifeCycle disaster contingency plan to help us anticipate and deal with the entire spectrum of hazards and threats that eventually become adverse events we will have to face. Using a disaster contingency plan will allow us to take actions before, during, and after these events occur.
People have absolutely no need to develop their own disaster contingency plans from scratch. There are plenty of EOP templates available in plenty of governmental guides. The EOPs can be expanded to become efficient and effective disaster contingency plans.
If you would like our help with your disaster contingency plan, then please call us at 410-525-3476.