LifeCycle Lawyers almost always begin working with any new client by helping that client draft a will if he or she doesn’t already have one or reviewing and improving any existing will a new client may have. There are several reasons why.
First, no one with a body temperature above 70 degrees should be doing anything anywhere at any time other than getting their will done as soon as feasible. Having a will remains the much better option than not having one in almost any circumstance.
Many say, “Life comes at you fast.” What they really mean, however, is that disaster, disease, or disability resulting in death can and often does come at you even faster. Dying with a well-thought-out will is almost always better than any other alternative.
Second, just going through the process of discussing from whence a new client comes, where the client presently sits in his or her lifecycle, and where he or she wants to go for the rest of his or her lifecycle is the absolute best way to learn as much as can be learned about that client and how they can exploit the education, training, and experience of their LifeCycle Lawyer to make themselves and their lives Great! All the time!