Many people claim LifeCycle planning is nothing more than estate planning. Nothing could be further from the truth.
LifeCycle planning includes proactively paying attention to as many of the legal issues that may arise in your lifecycle as possible, rank them based on probability of occurrence and significance of impact and then developing the intention to improve each of them as optimally as feasible in your present circumstances.
While death is the one certainty of life (paying taxes can be ameliorated) and it should be planned for by good estate planning, many more things will happen in your lifecycle from now until your death, and they, too, deserve a good amount of thoughtful consideration to prevent some bad things, encourage more good things, and handling the issues that arise when things do so often go awry.
Because death is so certain, and estate planning is so often (as much as 70% of the time) ignored, most LifeCycle lawyers get to know their new clients by learning as much as possible about each new client so they can draft a good estate plan for each new client or revise one such new client may already have.
Once a new client’s estate plan is drafted and signed, then the client and his or her LifeCycle lawyer can move on proactively paying attention and intention to improving all the other legal issues that may arise in that client’s life in order to help them be Great! All the time!