Are you troubled by feeling your life has no meaning?
There is a Great! alternative to that aching of emptiness.
By learning the definition of Greatness! and applying the P10 Principle to almost everything you do, you can find peace and satisfaction and have a much more meaningful daily existence.
You can be Great! All the time!
Just like you, I’ve had both good times and bad times in my life. And in my bad times, just like you, I have wondered if my life had any meaning left in it. In my first LifeCycle Law blog post, I mentioned a Monday morning in ’97. In the stress of that dawn, besieged by my wife’s ovarian cancer diagnosis, the million bucks we had in the bank, the $800,000 home in which we lived, the law, consulting, and medical practices at which we toiled almost all of our waking hours each day, the sum of it all suddenly lost its meaning. On that particular day, I absolutely felt “I don’t own my life, my life owns me!”
But I could and did turn my life around again and you can, too. Becoming Great! All the time! is the way I overcame all the problems facing me, conquered the fear and greed which were driving me to do a lot of things I didn’t really want to do, and returned to living the meaningful life I once had. And, realizing that sharing one’s gifts is the ultimate value of owning them, I want to share with you the manner and the means of being Great! All the time! in this Great! Life Owner’s Manual.
How did I get in such a bad situation that cold autumn day? I had lost my way and joined the ranks of many, if not most, people who make the journey from birth to death with no real idea what their values, vision, or mission in life have been, are, or should be. Like them, I was predominantly living reactively, perceiving little, making few long-term plans or preparations and practicing little before making one measly attempt after another at a poor performance of whatever I thought might make me the success I believed I wanted to be. At times, I felt I was working on what seemed really important, only to find, once I met a goal, the achievement left me feeling hollow and still wanting more.
By living out of sync with what I had been advising my own clients to do, I had become one of them in their usual state of angst before I started working with them. I had become owned by the life I had slowly let consume me over the previous several years, instead of living the Great! life I had previously professed to want.
At LifeCycle Law, we get your personal, work, and legal sphere’s back in sync so you can life a joyous, peaceful, and satisfied life.
Contact us to find out how to be Great! All the time!